Saturday, 29 January 2011


I’ve never watched Battlestar Galactica before, but I’m going to start, and I’m going to write about my impressions of it here.

I’ve heard the name bandied around for a while, probably since it first came on the air, but I never really thought of watching it. It was finally, through Buffy the Vampire Slayer that I came to consider it worth watching. In the season 8 comics, Xander mentions having watched it and I thought, if Xander likes this BSG thing, maybe I would too. Then I found out that BtVS writer, Jane Espenson, also worked on BSG, and it was a done deal. As soon as I could get my hands on the show, I’d begin watching.

I consider myself reasonably well-versed in the realm of sci-fi TV (other than BtVS, I’ve had various love affairs with Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, Farscape, Star Trek (Voyager and TNG mostly), Firefly, Dollhouse and Flashforward, among others), and I follow blogs and podcasts relating to the genre, but simply as a consumer of the material, I’ve always felt that something’s missing.

I want to be part of the community that shares their comments, speculation and experiences of these shows with each other, and I want to put my own voice out there to join in the conversation. This is my first real attempt at doing so, and I hope you’ll join me.

I’m planning to watch 2 episodes at a time and write about my first impressions of them once a week (at first, I’ll be counting each part of the miniseries as equivalent to 2 episodes, simply in terms of length).

I don’t know anything about the show other than how many episodes and features it consists of and that there will be a few faces that I’ll recognise from other shows as I go along. I prefer not to know anything about a series when I first watch it, so I am very keen to avoid spoilers, so if you want to join in the conversation, please keep it spoiler-free.

Looking forward to seeing you along the way, and thanks for reading!


Sunday, 2 January 2011

Learn to Write Chinese

Here's a link to my other blog with resources on how to learn to write Chinese characters.