Sunday, 8 April 2012

Caprica, Episode 13

Episode 13: False Labor
  • I love these shots of Caprica City's skyline at night; the visual effects are possibly the best thing about this show!
  • The music playing over Daniel's "Grace" advert sounded very much like BSG's opening theme; it was certainly at least the same vocalist. And if I'm right, it was a nice touch that Cyrus mentioned that they were still negotiating the rights to the song.
  • From the beginning of the scene with Amanda forgiving Daniel it was pretty obvious that it was the Amanda Avatar, and not real Amanda.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Caprica, Episode 12

Episode 12: Things We Lock Away
  • The editing of the first half of this episode was a bit choppy and cut between stories at weird moments. It got a bit better as it went on, but I still found it slightly jarring.
  • So, it seems that Original Zoe and Avatar Zoe both see a Messenger Zoe, and while it was the first time that Avatar Zoe saw her, Original Zoe had been seeing her since her childhood, which is quite weird since she looks like teenage Zoe. I'm not sure where this is going, but my interesting was piqued by the appearance of a clear Messenger Character (unlike when Amanda saw her brother, which was likely just her mind playing tricks on her).