Saturday, 25 June 2011

Final 18 minutes on Season 2, Episode 20 & Thoughts on Season 2

As I said last week, I decided to write my thoughts on the final 18 minutes of Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2 separately from the rest of the episode, as it feels almost like an entirely separate episode, and is much closer in style to (I imagine, since it is probably setting things up for) season 3.

Final 18 minutes of Season 2, Episode 20: Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2

Highlights/Moments of Revelation
  • Of course Gaius would have a self-portrait in his presidential office.
  • Adama with a moustache, and smoking without filters.
  • Kara with long hair. And married!
  • Kara and Tigh hugging.
  • Laura as a teacher! (I wish I had students who were as enthusiastic about homework as hers.)
  • Apollo looks a lot more than a year older.
  • The skinjobs are always so well dressed.
  • Head-Six: "Judgement day."
Thoughts on Season 2

On the whole, I didn't think season 2 was as strong as season 1, but I did enjoy where it took the story and how much character development there was. My two favourite episodes were Final Cut (episode 8) for being in such a different style from the others and Downloaded (episode 18) for the insight in to the Cylon psyche, and Caprica-Six in particular. On the other side, however, was Black Market (episode 14) which just felt completely out of place, seemed to bear no relation to the rest of the story being told and introduced too many new characters who turned out to be completely inconsequential (at least so far - I'm hoping Siobhan and her child don't return).

The characters who I'm most enjoying remain the same as at the end of season 1 (Gaius, Kara and Laura), but the character I most miss is certainly Billy. I hate them for killing him off. Six is by far my favourite Cylon; I just can't get enough of Gaius and Head-Six's interactions, though now with Caprica-Six reunited with Gaius, things should get really interesting.  I'm starting to find Sharon a little annoying, but I still enjoy and understand the necessity for her role in the story. I hope her presence really pays off in season 3.

Probably my absolute favourite thing about this show at this point is the suspense of not knowing who all the Cylon models are. We are now aware of 7 of the 12, which means we've only had 2 new ones revealed since season 1 (Three and One). Unfortunately, I think I've been spoiled on one other, so I hope that one will be revealed soon, though I somehow doubt it. Watching this show a few years after it being aired means that whenever I need to look up something about an episode (like the title, the name/spelling of a character or location or the name of an actor) I run the risk of being spoiled on something, and this is what happened for this Cylon model; I got too excited in Wikipedia and clicked through one too many links!

At roughly half way through this show, I'm happy to say that I love it and am really intrigued to see where it goes from here. See you in season 3.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Season 2, Episodes 19 & 20

Episode 19:  Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 1

Highlights/Moments of Revelation
  • Laura's mania before the debate, followed by her adopting Adama's father's ritual of breaking pencils, then the giggles! So cute!
  • Gaius trying to insult Laura before the debate began while trying to appear to be joking with her.
  • Tom Zarek, sexy? Really, Six?
  • The reunion of Kara and Sam (Anders) made me realise that I'm starting to prefer them together over her and Lee.
  • The ending seemed like it was trying to be a cliffhanger, but didn't quite succeed.
  • Cavil: "Do you know how useless prayer is? Chanting and singing and mucking about with old half-remembered lines of bad poetry. And do you know what it gets you? Exactly nothing."
Episode 20: Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2

Highlights/Moments of Revelation
  • Having a "previously on Battlestar Galactica" at the beginning but no teaser before the credits was interesting. Building hype for the finale, I guess.
  • Sam didn't seem at all confused about Sharon helping the Galactica crew, and he didn't even get an explanation. I guess Kara told him about it off-screen.
  • I just LOVED the reveal of Cavil as a Cylon, though it seemed odd that none of the crew on Caprica was surprised to see him there. Also, Sharon not saying anything, nor even giving a reason for not doing so, was interesting.
  • No harm done, eh?
  • Why doesn't Gina wear a bra? Or any version of Six, apparently.
  • Gaius: "I don't have to listen, I'm the President." - this was a nice contrast to Laura's idea borrowed from Adar of not having to explain oneself as President.
I'm going to leave the final 18 minutes of the season 2 finale for a separate post, coming next week, which will also cover my thoughts of season 2 as a whole. Thanks for reading, and see you then!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Season 2, Episodes 17 & 18

Episode 17: The Captain's Hand

Highlights/Moments of Revelation
  • Dee's hair is nice. I see why Billy said so in "Water" (season 1, episode 2).
  • Laura looking at the framed picture of herself and Billy. Still can't believe they killed him off. Boo!
  • The whole abortion issue was fascinating. I am pro-choice on this matter, but I was at first surprised that anyone would consider abortion in face of the extinction of the human race, then surprised again that Laura wasn't against it for that very reason, and that it was Adama who pointed out that "that number" doesn't go up very often. And then she made it illegal - WOW!
  • As Admiral Adama gave Lee command of the Pegasus, we hear that music again that we heard in "Hand of God" (season 1, episode 10) and "Home, Part 1" (season 2, episode 6). I guess this is their theme.
  • Gaius speaking out against Laura and then stepping up as a candidate for Presidency!
  • Laura: "You have your pound of flesh and I suggest you take your victory and you move on." - A reference to Shylock from Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice"?
  • Kara: "You should hear the way my brain works sometimes!"
Episode 18: Downloaded

Highlights/Moments of Revelation
  • I thought this episode was in general, amazing, as it felt like it was exactly what I wanted to see at this point in the show, but hadn't realised it.
  • The "previously on Battlestar Galactica" clip at the very beginning was actually quite awesome. I'm not usually a big fan of these, but it was very helpful, especially in reminding us how many Cylon models have been revealed (which is 6 of the 12; Numbers Two [Leoben], Three [D'Anna], Four [Simon], Five [Doral], Six and Eight [Sharon]).
  • I just LOVED the reveal of Gaius being in Caprica-Six's head, and being introduced with the same music she is when in his head! That whole opening scene was just perfect - Six's apparent guilt at her successful mission of disabling the Colonial defenses was surprising and almost exactly mirrored Gaius'.
  • Number Three as a mother figure was creepy.
  • Anders uses the term "skinjob" to refer to the human-model Cylons; I think this is the first time we hear this.
  • The reversal of Six and Gaius' roles was so amazing. He was doing for her almost exactly what Head-Six does for him; I couldn't get enough of it!
  • The car under which Anders was trapped had the number plate "Sexy Mom". Hmm.
  • Is the apparent existence of a Head-Gaius evidence that there is some kind of physical link between him and Caprica-Six, and that they are therefor not simply figments of their imaginations, or is it just evidence of their love for each other? Or of nothing? It's kind of confusing.
  • Why did Sharon stop Anders shooting Three? She didn't seem too bothered when Six killed her instead.
  • Head-Gaius speaking cryptically: "Life is short, but the next one's not. Let your heart adrift and your soul will get caught. [...] Believe the lies, ignore the truth, listen to me, I will show you the proof. Speak from your heart, say the things that you know to be true."

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Season 2, Episodes 15 & 16

Episode 15: Scar

Highlights/Moments of Revelation
  • Starbuck drunk is not pretty.
  • I'm glad the issue of replacing the lost vipers was addressed.
  • I found the formula of a series of flashes to the space battle before each act a little more effective than the single flash at the beginning of the episode before we're told what happened "48 hours earlier".
  • Helo and Starbuck's fake wrestling was cute.
  • Did Starbuck really think Anders had no chance at all of surviving on Caprica? That wasn't the impression I got after she left him there.
  • Lee: "Bright shiny futures are overrated anyway."
  • Kara: "Ever since I got back, you have been on my ass like a bad rash!"
Episode 16: Sacrifice

Highlights/Moments of Revelation
  • This episode was really intense, which was welcome after a few week episodes to which I had been somewhat indifferent.
  • I didn't believe Adama when he says he would shoot Sharon.
  • Billy's proposal to Dee was completely out of the blue.
  • As soon as Lee was shot, I thought it would be his death that the episode title referred to. I had no idea it would be Billy instead.
  • I loved Sharon's admission to Adama that she wouldn't reveal who the other Cylon agents in the fleet were. (I'm really enjoying the suspense of not knowing who they are!)
  • It was quite clear that Adama would use the body of the Sharon that was shot by Cally to assuage the terrorists.
  • When Billy took the gun from the guy who Sesha had ordered to kill Dee, in my head I had the chorus line to the song "Billy, Don't Be A Hero" by Paper Lace.
  • I can't believe they killed off Billy. I both love and hate TV shows for doing this.
  • Are unisex toilets the norm in this universe?
  • What was Starbuck doing on Cloud 9? She looked like she was dressed up for something special.