Saturday, 10 March 2012

Caprica, Episode 9

Episode 9: End of the Line
  • That old chestnut of "20 hours earlier" at the beginning. Felt like old season 1 BSG.
  • The bed in the water where "Rachel" and Philomon had their date in V world seemed like the kind of place we'd see Head Six and Gaius having a moment.
  • Sasha Patel, the Military Procurement lady is played by the same actor that played the Master of Arms on the Galactica.
  • I so knew that Emanuelle was Joseph's assistant in the real world.
  • Finally some death! Philomon for sure, probably Nestor (one of Clarice's husbands) and potentially Amanda, though I doubt it as she's a series regular. And of course the robot will survive that crash, so it felt a little pointless to make it so dramatic. It worked well with the other climaxes though, but this made it feel a bit cheap.

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