Saturday, 27 August 2011

Season 3, Episodes 17 & 18

Episode 17: Maelstrom

  • Kara having a sex dream about Leoben was weird but kind of hot. The way her mandala on the wall came back through the white paint as they were lying on the floor was pretty cool.
  • Why was the psychic woman crying when she was repeating to Kara what Leoben had said to her? Was she foreseeing Kara's death?
  • Kara wanting her photo next to Kat's on the wall was really touching, but I should have known this was foreshadowing. It didn't occur to me that way until the end of the episode.
  • Is she really happy for Lee and Dee?
  • In Kara's apartment, we see the words "every delicious sip", among others, painted on the wall next to the mandala. This is something we heard the Hybrid say in a previous episode when Gaius was still on the Cylon baseship. Interesting.
  • How was Leoben (or not Leoben) showing Kara her past and what could have happened if she had gone back to see her mother?
  • All through this episode, I was thinking she can't be a Cylon because she had a mother and all these memories of growing up with her, but then she died and I just couldn't believe it. I don't believe they'd do a whole season of this show without Kara Thrace, and we have no evidence to suggest that anyone else that she knew also knew her mother, or her as she was growing up, so all her memories could be part of her programming. I believe she is one of the Final Five. OMG!
  • Adama's crying and taking out his anger on the model ship just slayed me. Also, I later read, that this was improvised by the actor, and the model was in fact a very expensive museum piece!

Kara: "The only destiny I have is as a world class frak up."

Episode 18: The Son Also Rises
  • Seeing Adama look over Kara's file broke my heart. Her birthday card to him was so bittersweet.
  • It took me as long as Lee to notice him calling Racetrack "Starbuck". It just seemed so normal for him to be telling Starbuck off.
  • Gaius' lawyer: it's Badger, but with an Irish accent and a cat!
  • Is that pen that Gaius keeps in his pants the one Gaeta stabbed him with?
  • How does Caprica Six manage to still look good after Gods know how many weeks in the brig?
  • Six smelling the pen Gaius keeps in his pants!
  • Beyond sad seeing Lee and Sam with Kara's photo on the wall, just where she wanted it.

Racetrack (of Gaius' first lawyer): "If he takes his shoes off in my raptor again, I might have to kill him."

Laura: "I feel like part of our world just fell down." (After Caprica Six says her love hurts as much as Lampkin's. This really says a lot about Laura's feeling towards the Cylons.)

Lampkin: "I have a calling. So the ringing in my ears tell me."

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Season 3, Episodes 15 & 16

Episode 15: A Day in the Life

  • Is Adama "projecting" these memories of his wife like a Cylon? I'm suspecting everyone (except Gaius) of being a Cylon these days.
  • Laura going for a work out!
  • How did they get that photo of Adama so young? Did they photoshop his wife in to a real picture of the actor or take the picture then photoshop him to make him look younger? Either way, he looked really handsome young.
  • Adama doesn't like talking about hypothetical situations.
  • I ship Bill and Laura so hard right now.

Lee: "A kick in the butt is worth a thousand words."

Episode 16: Dirty Hands
  • Aerilonians speak with a Yorkshire accent, apparently, and Gaius was really brought up as a farmer. I loved the way he switched in to his "native" accent when speaking about Aerilon. Very nice acting.
  • Tyrol telling Starbuck to "be nice"!

Adama (to Laura): "You're always welcome in one of my beds. In a manner of speaking."

I was a little disappointed with these two episodes. They were not what I was hoping for after the previous two. I guess the action I'm anticipating with Gaius' trail etc. is being put off till the season finale.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Season 3, Episodes 13 & 14

Episode 13: Take a Break from All Your Worries

  • Gaius' dream of being a Cylon was completely incredulous to me. I do not believe he is one of the Final Five.
  • Laura lighting a cigarette for Gaius (so, seeing her with it in her mouth) and then entering in to a shouting match with him seemed somewhat out of character for her.
  • Kara and Lee are destined to be together, apparently.
  • Adama as a disembodied voice in Gaius' hallucinatons. Great!
  • The B story, while necessary, was kind of distracting, especially in the way it was edited with Gaius' story.
  • Wow - Gaeta stabbed Gaius in the neck with a pen.
  • How is Gaius/Head Six so sure that he isn't one of the Five?
  • Tyrol: "To marriage. Why we build bars." How romantic.
Episode 14: The Woman King
  • Hooray for Head Gaius!
  • Did Athena really say that she was going to try to bring Six some new clothes? Are the Cylons really that fashion conscious?
  • Did Adama imlply that he wanted the epidemic to run its course to thin out his overpopulated ship?

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Season 3, Episodes 11 & 12

Episode 11: The Eye of Jupiter

  • Kara really believes in marriage.
  • Hooray for Head Six being back!
  • How did Athena know the Eight who boarded the Galactica was Boomer? I guess the same way Hera knew Athena was her mother in the next episode.
  • Laura completely blanking Gaius was harsh, but totally understandable.
  • The image of Tyrol dancing around naked with porn in his mother's prayer room makes me chuckle.
  • Since when do the skin jobs call each other by their "human" names? This hasn't happened before, has it? Or do they use these names to refer to the specific models? So, Cavil, Leoben, D'Anna, Simon and Doral do not refer to all of the Ones, Twos, Threes, Fours and Fives (respectively), but to the One who bribed Ellen, the Two who held Kara captive, the Three who is in a relationship with Gaius and Six, the Four who pretended to be a doctor on Caprica and the Five who was on the Galactica in the miniseries? Or am I reading too much in to this?
  • It was sad to see Three, Gaius and Six's polygamous relationship come to an end, or rather, to see their destinies diverge.
  • Brilliant cliffhanger ending!

Tyrol (of algae): "Well, it's breakfast, lunch and dinner until someone finds a hot fudge planet."

Episode 12: Rapture
  • They really drew out the launching of the nukes.
  • Gaius believes in God now? WTF?!
  • Caprica Six really gets emotional about the baby. I was surprised that she even killed Boomer so that Athena could take Hera back with her.
  • Why was One with Three and Gaius in the Temple of Five?
  • So much suspense with Three seeing the faces of the Final Five! I can't wait for them to be revealed (partly because I think I already know who two of them are, and I just want no longer to be in spoiler limbo!)
  • I feel really bad for Dee.
  • Has Caprica Six defected to the humans? Also, did she know Gaius would be on the Galactica when she got there, and if so, did knowing that influence her in going with Athena back there?
  • Kara has been seeing the Eye of Jupiter since her childhood. I'm looking forward to learning what her destiny is.
  • The gooey resurrection bath doesn't look as nice when it's not lit up from underneath. Gross.

Tigh: "You've seen one nova, you've seen them all."