Episode 9: Unfinished Business
- Seeing Apollo and Starbuck so hot for each other in such an aggressive way was kind of gross.
- The music that they dance to at the breaking ground party on New Caprica in flashback would be right at home in an episode of Firefly!
- Laura knows her stuff about boxing!
- Cally brought her baby to "the dance"?
- Wow - Kara is so messed up, marrying Sam right after she says she loves Lee. That woman has serious issues.
- Their fight turning in to a hug was really cute in a tragic kind of way.
- I'm undecided about whether I liked this episode or not. It was certainly very different in feel and style from a "regular" episode, but I found the whole boxing a little boring, but the flashbacks were really nice and gave us some really solid character development.
Episode 10: The Passage
- I loved the music upon Kat's return to the Galactica after losing the Carina. Is this going to be her theme?
- No eating paper due to a paper shortage. Oh dear. And Tight and Adama giggling like schoolboys!
- Three sees the Final Five - ooh!
- Coud Gaius be more self-involved thinking that being a Cylon would make him a hero?
- Gaius must be really good at doing cryptic crosswords, as evidenced by him being able to decipher the Hybrid's seemingly meaningless ramblings.
- Seeing Starbuck place Kat's picture on the wall of photos was sadder than her actual (or eventual since it's not shown on screen) death.
Gaius: "Did you know you have some dry goo in your hair? That can happen when you resurrect."